Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I want a bicyce race

Monday 19 – Was so lovely, the minimum was 3! THREE! This is what is known as the Indian summer – woo – I think. Anyway I strutted off to school in a dress, tights and a jumper! No thermals, or coat for me! I had history where another essay was dished out. I can already foresee how baldy this is going to go down in terms of procrastination. I had some chemistry and some environmental systems. As I was leaving class to heat up my lunch I got a message from Annabel that she had been granted the afternoon off, and wanted to know if I was available to hang. Why yes - yes I was (if I skipped my chemistry tutorial). It was such a lovely day, it could have even reached 13 degrees or something! I went home had some lunch, and then we went out to rent some bixi bikes!
They were surprisingly easy to master. It was so much fun, we rode down some not too busy streets as Annabel was terrified, and found ourselves at the Old Port on the loveable bike path. We rode around for a while until it was time to dock our bikes without excess fees! We walked around the Old Port and enjoyed some ice-cream.
We wandered up into the city, and discovered more of St. Catherine Street east (I think), it was around near UQAM (university of Quebec and Montreal). We caught the metro home. I did a huge grocery shop with Lucy – I picked up a lot of staple food: like rice, coffee, couscous, beans, chickpeas, cereal, bagels and all that sort of good stuff. We shopped at this supermarket on Du Fort (which is apparently cheaper and fresher than Provigo and the small grocers across the road (not surprisingly)). I went to my gym class with Sara, Sarah and Catherine, which was tiring as my legs were a bit sore from much bike riding. I made a really good risotto with Lucy for dinner. Later that night the cleaner came around, rubbed off Tim’s offensive message and delivered the MUCH needed toilet paper! Tim and Lucy were so angry that they had been ducking over to Concordia to use the loos every time they needed to go. Ha ha!


  1. haha i see so many potential uni rivalry jokes at you using concordia to take a shit. but i'll leave that to you ;)

    what is a bixi bike?

  2. man i wish the ANU had some rent-a-bikes. It'd be so much easier going between arts and psychology! Haha 13 degrees - that's OUR minimum at the moment! It looks really nice there, the autumn (fall?) there looks amazing!
