Tuesday, December 29, 2009

29th Dec

The temperature took a turn for the worse today - it plummeted down to -15 with a wind chill of -26! So after a brisk walk in the morning the majority of the rest of the day was spent indoors. We packed up my room into two suitcases! It took hours and hours, but my room is now ready to be inhabited by someone else.

We took a break, did some window shopping, laughed at spoon busker and stopped in at a chocolatier. The shop was filled with clocks, which were all set to different times, so would chime while you were sitting or browsing the shop. I know this sounds like an annoying concept, but the chimes were not obnoxious, they were merry and enjoyable. At the chocolatiers you could get a hot chocolate in a variety of novel flavours. Sophie had a toblerone hot chocolate, mum had orange chocolate and I had coconut-white. It was SO good! Sophie also spied some Absinthe chocolate she would like for later...

1 comment:

  1. you guys are adorable. ohhh man your stories are making me crave the canberra winter!!
