Sunday, December 27, 2009

on the third day of christmas...

Today I baked pancakes for breakfast and ate them with pure Maple Syrup!

Mum, Sophette and I cultured ourselves and visited the Museum of Fine Arts. They managed to cram a lot of fine arts into a small museum, we felt torn between too many art subjects and focuses. There were some nice paintings of Quebec which I could relate to, which was mildly exciting.

We had poutine for lunch. Mum and Soph enjoyed their first taste of Montreal's finest cuisine. We even splashed out and had a crazy flavor (with mushrooms, peppers, onion and NO bacon).
bon appétit!

We then explored the Plateau, wee galleries, and generally slushed around in the snow. We tried to get into Schwartz's Deli (the most glorious meat shack in the land) but could not, as people were queing up out the door to shove their gobs with unholy amounts of smoked meat, and our need to oogle at meat did not strike us that die hardly. The temperature was above zero, which was a shame as all the snow started to melt. Making the grounds both slippy and sloshy! When Sophies feet got too cold from stomping snow we took shelter in a warm cafe and planned our trip to Redpath Museum. We were most undelighted to find it CLOSED! Bastards! We then had to come up with a makeshift plan of Ville Marie (the start of underground city) and we poked our heads into a service of the Cathedrale Marie-Reine-du-Monde.

We retreated home in the wind-chill to glorious, warming eggnog and pumpkin pie.

1 comment:

  1. i love that last picture! cute beanies!
    and i love you :)
    i will be seeing you soon! which i am very excited about but i'm sure you're depressed about lol
    love you!!
