Monday, January 11, 2010

10th Jan: New York Minute

Woke up and looked out upon traffic and yellow taxis. I was so excited. We had some free breakfast, which included the smallest portions of orange juice in the world.

We set off to stroll the streets. We passed the lovable Flatiron Building, an oddly shaped, somewhat triangular and somewhat like an iron, building that defines its neighborhood (the one that we happen to be staying in - the Flatiron district). We passed Madison Square Park, where Sophie dramatically lost a mitten for a brief moment, but nonetheless it was run over many times. We passed the Museum of Sex, which mum hates with a passion, and made our way to the Empire State Building. There weren’t too many people around, so we managed to make it to the top in about 15 minutes! The day was so clear, beautiful and -10 that we could see for miles and miles. Oh! I love NY.
We walked around 5th Avenue for while and checked out Bryant Park and the Pond on which many people were ice-skating. I sent loving vibes to the Public Library of New York and the grand lions out the front. This was only the build up to Times Square. The glory, the neon lights. There were too many advertisements - it was glorious. Admittedly I did have a coke later form a hot dog stand!! When asked, if I had requested Pepsi, I snapped back no – COKE.

We had a quick bite for lunch and went off to explore Central Park! There were a million horses and carts, and men and bikes offering to tour you around. We politely declined. We strutted around and enjoyed the outcrops of rocks. Mum and Sophie became experts in glacial striations.
There was a Trump ice-skating rink, but Trump was not skating. He was locked in his ivory tower watching the protestors down below. We popped into Tiffany and Co, and walked down more of glamorous 5th Avenue, taking in the Louis Vuitton, Prada, Jimmy Choo and more. We tried to poke in at the Saint Patricks Cathedral, but there was a service on, so we promptly left. We walked round to the Rockefeller Centre and Radio City Music hall, to find another ice-skating rink, and general festivities.

We went onto Grand Central station, and like its name, it was very grand. We had some coffee there and people watched. We tried to get into the Chrysler Building, but the lobby was closed – permanently.

Onto the United Nations, where I waved hopefully at the building. We made our way back home past Gramercy Park (which is a wanky private park, that only people that live around it have the keys too it, and can visit and frolic in its wonderland). I shook my fist. When we passed Union Square there was a pantless movement happening. Later investigation suggests that this was the 9th Annual Pant-less Subway Ride.
We drank and enjoyed some Budweiser in our room, and then went out to a really nice, all-vegetarian Indian restaurant. It was packed full of Indians, so you know it was good! Sophie picked something incredibly spicy, but generally we all ate up our tasty dosas.


  1. god new york!!! so jealous!!!
    i love the way you were snappy to the hot dog man, you are such a new yorker.
    Did you get a photo with the alice in wonderland statue in central park? i've always wanted a photo there.
    omg so jealous i could die.
