Sunday, August 16, 2009

August 16th

"This is the first time i was ever in a city where you couldn't throw a brick without breaking a church window". Mark Twain 1881

And this is quite so, every second building has a mighty spire! And in regulation of Sundays, nothing opens until much later in the day. So mum and I organised our trip to Quebec! We leave on Monday. in absence of life in the morning we had a self-guided tour of McGill. I wrote down a list of all my buildings, and I sought them out!

There is only one massive trek in my whole timetable. It is much more painful than the one up through the ANU to the EMSC building past the many road works. It is a massive trek uphill, to the peak of the uni. So, I have Canadian History there at 9:30 am. I wonder how many of those I'll turn up to come mid-winter. Then the pressure is on, I have a mere ten minutes to make it the whole way across campus! At least it's down hill, so I should be able to roll some of the way, or optimize my downward momentum. We timed the walk, and its a seven minute door-to-door! So the pressure will be on with packing up, and beating students out the door.

Here are some pics of the most georgous buildings. Its kind of like Hogwarts, there is even a headwig *swoons*.

Also, as looking at these, imagine turrets, and spires and in some cases gargoyles.

I also got a good look at McGill's mascot Marty
the Martlet, here he is on a bin telling other birds how to recycle!

We did some shopping on St. Catherine in lovely air-conditioned complexes! The malls are so massive, there are a few stories above ground and a good few underground! I found an amazing store where all my housing goods will come from: Dollarama! So much goodness, all for a dollar (some new stock $1.50)! Then after more heat-stroke we had icecream and hung out in good old Cafe Depot.

We made tea next to the hostels oldest member. He was so slow and quaint, and seemed to belong to some sect - although he did promise it wasn't one and in fact a world recognised religion. Sure buddy. Anyway we went out to read our books by a fountain, and when we came back two hours later, he was only just up to eating his dinner! Funny man, it must be in the cult rules. Another crazy man that I have viewed, was by the fountain. He looked kinda like Jesus, and was protesting with a picture of a tree for the first nations people of Canada. Mum and I pretended not to speak French...or English. We must of seemed very hopeless, and were left alone. So we are just ending the night by packing up things for our holiday in Quebec City!!!

1 comment:

  1. KATE!!!

    Now that I've finally figured out how to comment on these things:

    Canada looks awesome! The house and McGill and the everything!

    Wow you guys are having the time of your lives, enjoy the warm temps while you can! :D It's only starting to warm up in the old Can', but just barely, hardly t-shirt weather, I'm utterly envious of your heatwaves hehe.

    McGill looks amazing. Does it completely own the ANU, or do you long for our mismatched buildings!

    As promised, here's a canberra update!: the student association elections were on this week! You would be glad you got out when you did, it was impossible to walk through union court unscathed, attacked by policies from all sides! You had to put on a flawless poker face and tell them you'd already voted, otherwise you'd lose ten minutes of your life with them. But I see you've already been using your masterful skills of deception on that Jesus-looking fellow to great effect!

    Kate! Have a great Quebec trip!

    Umm like whatever!
