Sunday, August 9, 2009

August 9th

I was rudely awakened by my next-door neighbors today! Oh the horror unto my poor sensitive ears. So the Australian mum and I met last night, as we entered out room, had taken a few too many bad pills last night, he was dizzy and confused and angry. So angry in fact many arguments were started about the need for weed and then how to roll a joint. Thanks Aussie.

The second time I woke up was much more pleasant. Mum and I went up to the much raved about breakfast at our hostel. This was toast, but cooked on le hotplate. Very bizarre (or bizaan if your reading). And it did have all the peanut butter and jelly that I could manage. But some bastard ate all the bagels. But when a second round came out and I was kind of full, I could not resist and so grabbed a bagel for myself. After this un-nourishing breakfast mum and I left out Gite. We walked to McGill. The campus was stunning. I think I was most overwhelmed by the fact that everything was so green and lush. I can’t really do it justice but here is a pic of me and James McGill;

founder of this fine institution.

So the first squirrel I saw was actually quite exciting, but I’m sure as time wears on they will become like rats of the streets.

Any way we wandered the campus and I frolicked in the Geology Garden. At the back of the university is the Parc du Mont-Royal. This was packed full of wholesome Montreal-eans running, cycling, dog walking and pushing prams up to the peak of the park. It is no easy task for some of these categories as there are lots and lots of stairs.

The summit was lovely, and the view was amazing

apart from the view of all the shirtless men. I think every man in that park felt the need to take off his shirt in a fit of masculinity. What a terrible idea for poor onlookers.

There was a lap to do of the top of the park, and there was a huge cross that lights up at night. Now, crosses are usually tasteful things, and light up at night, well this just meant there are some spotlights that shine on it during the night time. NO, this was so much more.

At night the cross undergoes this transformation


After wandering around the park and down through the streets of down town, we settled on some lunch, which was wholly vegetables. It had been so long since my system had vegetables, it was glorious. We ate by a fountain, of which there are millions here. Well enough for practically every second street. The rest of the day was pretty much just walking round the suburbs of Montréal. We made it all the way down to Vieux Montreal (the old port) a tourist haven, and saw this neon sign, which apparently is beloved by all, and worth a visit as it may be torn down due to its controversial nature.

I think I know what your thinking. Oh sign, so beloved by many – why did I bother. The other landmark, which was actually pretty cool was this church with a funny Jesus on the roof, and with ships (not to life size as I imagined) hanging from the roof.

This was the Chapelle Notre-Dame de Bon Secours (the Sailors Church). The long walk, ended with an even longer walk home. But we stopped at a hip bar, and had some real French wine to revive ourselves. Not much action in the hostel tonight thank goodness, I think those pills the guys took have wrecked their bodies for at least a couple of days (please) Goodnight!


  1. McGill looks AMAZING!!! The weather looks fine and dandy! Hurrah! I love: the neon crucifix, will you be a neon bible basher when you return Kate? (haha, that was clever on many levels) and the shirtless men in parks! I'm glad some of the French tradition has translated across the continent! Be glad it wasn't founded by the Germans, they'd be in the full nuddy! And their public hair is like its own organism. haha, I'll leave you with that visual. xoxo

  2. bLurgh! Mel - I am traumatized by your visual!
    You should have taught your French better!!! tee hee.
    i too am lovin' McGill, I don't know how to concentrate about where I'm going when its all so lush and amazing!
