Thursday, August 13, 2009

August 13th

Today I missed out on fruity bagel. It was very dissapointing. I love the fruity bagel in the morning and Montreal is apparently very famous for its tasty bagels - and to a lesser extent its smoked meat! After less hearty breakfast I made some more phone calls to hopeful rooms for rent. Mum and I then set off to some housing inspections, and one forced inspection. But at forced inspection the security was so good, we were not allowed in. But I guess to its credit, I can only like it more for its top notch security. I called it from a pay phone outside and won't know the deal until sometime tomorrow. Next I was off to meet Monica. Now I should really stop imaging people before I meet them, as I don't know, for some reason I imagined Monica to be young - at least she was female. But a most bizarre and OLD one at that. She walks like two steps a minute and scowls a lot. There was a little asian boy in one of her rooms for rent, but she scowled him out of wanting accommodation anymore and thus it had become available to me! But I don't think I'll be taking her nice room for rent.

We had a good walk around the streets today, as I am in housing limbo. Waiting on many responses. We saw a funny street named Beaver Hall (those Frenchies don't mind the English too much) and a nice cathedral.

To take our minds of the housing crisis, we found salvation at the basilica Notre-Dame, for the low low price of $5! It was nice for the tourists, but not so nice for the devout! Everyone is very noisy and very flash photography. Here is a popular pose.
Later (4:30) we had some amazing cocktails in our favourite Rue Prince Eh! It was so sunny and the drinks were so refreshing. I am still not thrilled at the idea of tipping! 15% is a lot to ask, when Australians do the same job at a fraction of the cost. Oh well. BUT there is also a nasty business of surprise TAX! Thats right! Everything here is written as the price without tax, and then at the register, there's tax! It hasn't failed to take me or mum by surprise. This is quite annoying, as exact coinage can never be managed, as you can never quite guess how much everything will come to! Maybe one day I'll get the hang of it. After tasty drinks, I mastered 'remaining ingredients from last night's stirfry'- stirfry! things are looking up!


  1. Kate!

    Im loving how your also par-taking the popular poses! Also what is with this tax business, dodgy i say. So glad your learning to cook, what is the next step up from stir fry, maybe a vegie curry?

    Good luck with the house hunt.

    Miss you heaps and keep up the awesome updates, they make my day!

    Love Alice

  2. woohoo kate you are mastering the stir-fry!! putting me to shame! careful though, you've seen the dangers first-hand on overdoing it ;)
