Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Moosehead sighted!!!!

Today continued the pain staking hunt for housing. The hunt took a turn for the worse today. Apartments seem to either be really, REALLY dodgy with graffiti on the door, and in a seedy neighborhood, or they are the most amazing apartment you have ever dreamed of and cost your not only and arm and a leg but your soul!!! I don't quite know yet what I am going to do. I do have some more house inspections tomorrow, so I am hopeful yet...

On the brighter side of things. Look! Here is what every Canberran misses while they are on holidays!!!!

I am so pleased also because the two awful people next door have gone away. They are driving to Ottawa - but they didn't even know which direction to go or street to take (neither did the chick on reception), and the other chick is stranded on the streets waiting for a plane ticket in the mail, and complaining ALOT!!! But serves her right for waking me up at 3 am in the morning and keeping me awake while she complained for HALF AN HOUR about how people called her childish. I was pretty close to stabbing her childish body!


  1. you're looking so cute kate! I love the denim shorts ;) and cute backpack! you will blow the mcgillers away! (is that what they call themselves??)
    I particularly love the mooseheads, good spotting!
    good luck with house hunting! My thoughts and wishes are with you, as they are with lanz when he's tackling the tour de france, and it seems to work for him ;) xoxo

  2. hahaha mooseheads! tell me you partied there (and spewed there for good measure) during froshers!

    ..who get plane tickets in the mail!?
