Monday, August 10, 2009

The Streets of Montreal

Today was the beginning of my house hunt. I surveyed the land first, by walking up and down the streets for hours. Then mum and I sent out some hopeful emails containing the joy I have for quite, clean, happy and affordable housing.
We found an amazing little street (Rue Prince Arthur) which seemed fresh with people from Montreal, and cute Montreal housing and foliage.
Heres me next to one of the many fountains. This street was full of ice creamery's and outdoor restaurants. We had tea at one of those places. It was really nice, but we were such suckers. The man came up to us as we wandered the streets, and said we could dine here, and buy some wine from across the street and drink it there at no charge, and that there was an array of vegetarian foods. How could we resist!

On the other parts of the streets there are two ferals, the rats and their overlords the pidgeons. Here is a photo that I feel sums up their relationship...

There are so many beggars on the streets as well. Strangely enough a good proportion of them hold up signs requesting 13 cents? I don't think I understand. 13 cents must buy you something pretty good over here. They are really aggressive and honest too. One asked for cash for booze so he could drink, throw up and then pass out in his vomit. Being a kind citizen, I did not allow him to indulge in this pleasure!! And one poor man today was fishing for coins and having a shower in the fountain in Rue Prince Arthur. Poor thing, but this did not stop me and MANY others from photographing this viewing pleasure.

After all this excitement, I received some replies from my housing requests. Already I have failed to show up to one housing interview, and I went to another, but with a 30 something year old man, who programs his computer from home so would always be at home. Hopefully better luck tomorrow!


  1. Hahah! Squirrels are so cute! I never grew tired of them when I was in England, dad tried to feed one chewing gum once. I think he's a sadist. the 13c is a mystery, you've gotta find out kate! Then get yourself some ;) hahaha, I LOVE old man gumble in the fountain, he's got fashion, you should enquire into where he purchased those fine denim short shorts. boo to 30 year old man, but good luck Kate!! Keep us posted ;) xoxo

  2. Kate,
    I died reading this... I think this blog should be the norm whether you are in Canada or not!
    Hilarious stuff! :D
    Good luck with your housing hunt my fine canadian gal! :P

  3. that photo with the pidgeon and squirrell is pretty damn funny my friend. what a fine job!

    and why on earth did this man think he would ever be able to get a housemate that could deal with that is beyond me...
