Sunday, August 16, 2009

Saturday Night!

There was fruity bagel for breakfast, so there was much joy this morning... until these two hippy, talkative, drunkard types sauntered in. They had like 5 breakfasts (you are only allowed one, and extras cost $2.) and scared everyone in the hostel. They yapped and yapped, about their room, its hot and nosiness (probably caused by them) and their boring stupid lives. GET away from me.

To escape the mayhem that these two caused in the breakfast area, we went to a cafe to research our final hoo-rah of tourist activity. This task for some reason was really hard, and therefore really irritating. Who would have imagined that whale watching tours were so ridiculously hard to google. And then that accommodation in Quebec would be so hard to come by. I don't know, maybe there is a big festival there the Monday we want to stay, and everything is booked out! Beats me. We walked home past the most amusing sculptures. One was a crowd, which apparently depicts the emotion of man; there's an idea and everyones excited, but near the end of the crowd there is rowdiness, violence and death. Nice one man! I think it was called the Illuminated Crowd. Then there was a cute bench with a couple in it, and stupid other people who would not move, so I had to photograph them too! But isn't it nice to see a bench without Ronald McDonald on it!
In the afternoon we got to do some shopping down my future housing street! Eek! It's amazing, and well air-conditioned, as I can't express how hot it is here. The thing that really gets me is the humidity. I think. I mean I adore arid old Australia! Good, solid, dry heat. We gave the landlord my rent money! And I move in on the 22nd! So there will be photos then!!

At dinner, one of the freaky strays at the hostel was making his favourite corn dinner, and scaring everyone in sight. He bought like 10 corn cobs, and kept on offering poor, shy hostelers corn. No-one would dare even look him in the eye let alone eat his corn! This dish he was making himself would of fed a family of 6 or 7! I bet he hoped to share it, and his gruesome tales! Like if he was to come to Australia, he 'would get drunk, man'. It was lucky mum hates corn so we could excuse ourselves and make a getaway!

For tonight's entertainment we went to the Casino. To reach it, we caught the metro to Parc Jean-Drapeau. This is on an island in the Saint Lawrence, so excitingly we went under the river to get there. This is a fantastical kiddy island. 10's of jumping castles, water parks, fountains, playgrounds, stages, ice-creameries etc. I would have taken photos, but I felt it might have been taken the wrong way. A child's paradise. Here we spotted a potential BEAVER!
So cool, but the tail was wrong. My theory is it has genetically mutated on this island, as others around us were not getting excited. But look at the photo, it clearly isn't a rat (I think). This isle is also home to the biosphere -a learning centre about Canada's water ways. I'm sure given more time I would have loved to explore. But in the meantime there are some pics from the outside! Then it was off to the Casino, or so I would have hoped. But we wandered around this freakish paradise for an hour. This was a seemingly small island beforehand. And then, all of a sudden all the children and the families disappeared. It was just us, wandering around this fenced playground. Finally we ran into a security guard, who we assured, we weren't being seedy, we just wanted to get to the Casino. He pointed us in the right direction - to this bridge which you cross to get to the casino. This was no pedestrian bridge. So back we trotted to the bus depo. The bus was free! This really served us right for thinking that we could walk (the bus is for the weak) and that we could save a few bucks! Boo!
The CASINO was spectacular! It was about 6 stories of flashing glory! The best game by far was this one where you bet on mini plastic horses, and they run around a mini track! This was presented by the good folk of Sega! Any way, there were lots of punters there. Every kind of Casino glory imaginable was in that place. But they keep the bars and pokies separate, so they were serious players! Oh, and in the toilets, there was a cup holder for your cup of coins! The magic! Any way, we put 50 cents on the slot machine. A very Canadian one, WILD GRIZZLY! No luck though!
To end the night, we walked out to the front of the Casino, and there was a fireworks display!

1 comment:

  1. if thats not a beaver then i dont know what it is! maybe a mutant squirrel beaver?
    hmmmm potential research project there kate

    and... free buses! that makes up for the 40cent rise we'll have to deal with upon returning. nice one!
