Saturday, September 5, 2009

End of the line

Thursday –
I cannot express the joy I experience walking to school. I mean its exercise right, and it only takes about 10 mins if I walk fast. There is this thing everyone is worried about: FRESHERS FIFTEEN! This is pretty much where all freshmen gain 15 kilos, or maybe its pounds, well I don’t know but the mere thought of gaining 15 kilos strikes fear into my heart. So this walking to school business I feel is my first step (ha ha – how witty of me) in the right direction. But this weekend I am going to sign up to the McGill gym, and a Pilates class with my friend from New York, who lives in Rez, so is 10 times more susceptible to the Freshers Fifteen I’m told!
I arrive at my first class disgustingly early after my most enjoyable walk to school. But this is the awkward geology class where we all stare at each other. So naturally there are about 10 other people there already, and we all just look. I wish I was the first one there, so when someone arrives you can strike up a conversation, rather than to be the one who has to break into the silent circle. We had a great lecture on the big bang; it was full of lots of realisation! It was really good, you know the creation of elements and stuff (very nerdy, but very enjoyable). Then I met my Canadian friend who trumps all as she is from Montreal, and from a Quebec family who won’t speak English, but realised that there are more job opportunities if you can speak English, so made her learn. But they won’t speak it, ever! We had a really cheap lunch; it is only $7 for a drink, 2 salads and a sandwich! We had the funkiest drinks ever. They were called Bubble Tease. It is kind of like a smoothie but with weird jelly balls in it (the bubbles). The lady asked me; “did I want it with bubbles”, did she really need to ask! Janie showed me around the underground mall, but it was still all very disorienting, there are like 5 stores of the same stores, each on different layers, or in different corners! Who needs that many of one thing and it just makes the whole shopping experience more confusing! Then I had a lecture in GIS! And believe it or not, friendships were formed. With my newfound talent at befriending the French, I chatted to a guy from Quebec, and held his attention while a Quebec-ky girl tried to snatch him away. I put up a fair fight, but she tapped and dragged him away! That’s right – viva my English (Australian) charm. And I befriended the other guy next to me too! So much bonding – why can’t all my classes be this inviting? I then spent $266 on textbooks for that class. I bought software that is not mac compatible! Oh, I could kill. So I am going to have to request a computer where I’m staying, otherwise, I guess I fail the class by not doing any of the assignments.
Thursday night was less eventful, I hung out in the kitchen with roommates, until I had to give up and go to sleep due to fatigue! But more people are to be described – there is Phillip from Switzerland and he gets up at 6 every morning and runs 25-30 km in preparation for some marathon coming up. There is Annie from Halifax, I guess this is near P.E.I, as she mentioned it a lot, and this made me revel in her appropriate name choice. There is Jordan, who is ridiculously tall and lives on protein shakes and protein pills. Then there is Amanda, who is currently Concordia froshing so has been pretty busy – understandably. She is only 17 (turning 18 next month) and has a hilarious fake ID, of some random non-Amanda looking girl who is 22. And, there is another boy whose name I missed and he is from very, very north Canada, and looks a bit gimpy – maybe inbreeding up north or something. I don’t know, something just doesn’t look right about him. And, I think that’s all, wait, there is Terry whose story I don’t know, as he hasn’t been around much recently.

Friday –
Was pretty good. I had only three lectures. None were awkward and I even managed to show off to my exchange student friends at lunch that I had a friend from Canada. It’s a competition, kind-of, as everyone is sick of meeting Australians. Anyway I met this boy on frosh, and didn’t remember his name, so called out Alex! (ha ha) his name started with an A, so I was lucky (Adam) and he is in my chemistry class. We were both getting over the traumatism that the honking lecturer stripped! Well, only slightly. He really only took off his jumper to reveal a shirt that had a message about high-energy bonding - nothing funny or witty as I bet you are thinking. Then I had more social activities!! I met my friend from New York and we hung out all arvo. We had Ben and Jerry ice-cream (big in America, so she was excited). I had pretty much the best flavour ever – brownie cheesecake! And then we went shopping and I bought two dresses! One store had its opening day, and we spent an hour waiting to buy stuff! I can’t believe I stood there and waited an hour to buy a $20 dress. But I did! By the time we were finished, I had to head on home to get ready for some McGill international student thing. This was organised by the uni, so I had high hopes. I think I should never imagine things or be allowed to. So for pre-drinks to this activity Annabel and I had some NEWTON apple flavoured … beer as we couldn’t find any cider and the shop assistant kindly told us that we would have to go to Ontario to buy some. I made a witty joke – lets hope this doesn’t go to our heads! Ha ha ha! Tim decided he’s come out too, as an international masters student. So we were meant to meet at this pub, practically next door. The meeting time was ten, and as this was a uni thing, we were on time. We did a lap of the three floors and saw no one. Then we waited outside like idiots for a little bit. Then finally a guy turns up, and is like “international students?”. “Yes”, we say. He has been running late and thinks things have been badly organised. You’re telling me. We then go inside with some French girls, who hate Montréal so aren’t great for conversation. Not too many other people show up, some exchange girls that I know (Singapore but studies in Australia so doesn’t count, and New Zealand so sucks). After not doing much at the pub, it is time to head to the club (the real destination – the pub was just the meeting point). There is really not too much happening here either. It’s quite dull, and we haven’t met any fun international / exchange students. So at about 12:30 we head home, which is only like a 10 minute walk! Damn you McGill international Students Network – I will now be hesitant to party with you!


  1. Woow. Im so excited your doing GIS!!! I love it.

    Love Al

  2. ooh kate you have those quebec boys hooked! beating all the aussies there!
    ps post pictures of your new dressessss :D
