Thursday, September 17, 2009

September 17th

Today I had fruity bagel for breakfast! It was so delicious. I bought these bagels on Monday, and it is now Thursday, and when I bought them they were on special as they are expiring soon. I fear my life might soon become too full of the fruity bagel.

I wore my denim dress today, as I am fearful about the weather situation. Last night was cold, it was a cold walk home. And the temperature is teetering around the 20 degree mark. I am trying to embrace all that I can salvage of the summer that was. First up I had geology, where I sat with my friends from the lab on Tuesday. And then when I was walking out, one of the girls in the class struck up a good convo with me about how we are also in Environmental Systems together, and we should sit together in all our poor sighted glory. That was the bad thing about today - I forgot to bring my glasses to school, and yes I did have a 4 and a half hour break but I was too busy in that time to go home and retrieve my much needed glasses. So in my break I went and got all my registration forms sorted for tomorrow, which is a photo shoot for the student metro cards. I am going to try my hardest to look good tomorrow! Then I had an optional tutorail for GIS. The aim of the tute is to work on the assigments handed out in class. This was the easiest agginement EVER, but somehow I managed to spend 3 hours on it (it was meant to take an hour!). But I was sitting next to my Francophone friend Nickolas, and he just doesn't get some things, so asked a million questions about wording and would get me to proof-read every sentence he wrote. I must say I didn't mind! What a friendship in the making; the Francophone kind is the rarest and hardest to achieve. Then we just chatted about Canada and Australia and got distracted from making a map in google maps. Yep, this is a good 10% of my grade, the fact that I can put a little pin on a map and have a description written about it! Anyway, I had it finished in the three hours, and Nickolas had only managed the very beginnings of his assignment. We then had a GIS lecture. This is pretty good, I mean everything seems pretty basic at the moment, so I'm happy. After class Nickolas wanted to show me some Coldplay and Radiohead songs he had learnt on the piano. Eek! So we went over to the SSMU building and he played some songs! It was pretty cool, then I had to leave as Quidditch training was at 6:30 and I wanted to have dinner beforehand.

Annabel made home-made baked beans the other day. But she made way too many so filled up my Tupperware with some. I had some baked beans, my first EVER soft boiled egg (with Lucy's help) and some toast. I didn't want to overdo anything before intensive quidditch. I strutted on down to the quidditch pitch and trained with the gang! I love it so much! Friendships are forming here too, as now only the most dedicated ones are coming! The games were really full on too; the tacking is becoming more forceful, we are becoming more skilled and competent with the balls; so again the bar has been raised. The field was waterlogged though, as the sprinkler had been on it all day, so we were slipping and sliding around in the mud, the hardcore tackles left everyone wet and muddy! But SO much fun! I had a good, long shower after practice. Then chats with flatmates, and BED, as I am so tired from all my exercising, and late nights.


  1. quidditch makes me happy :)
    so does mud :D
    skype soon?
    what's the time difference over there?

  2. hahaha i love that word: francophone, never fails to make me giggle!

    quidditch sounds intense. harry would be proud! now just go lose all teh bones in your arm!!
