Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The First of Fall!

OK so today was my first day of school. How exciting I know! Well I thought. But school was not how I remembered it. I guess I have been really spoiled by knowing people, having AMAZING camps, or knowing more people.

My first class was at 9:00am sharp. So I walked up extra early, well partly as I imagined that it would take me longer than I left myself to climb four flights of stairs. Anyway I enter the class a good ten minutes early, and dam, there are about 6 other kids in there already. There is a catch to these sick people. They have spread themselves out as much as humanly possible! They sit there in silence. Very uninviting, my mind flashes quickly to my options. I can pick one of these terrible people and try and engage them with my manner while the other 5 listen in the my attempts of friendship and are grateful it's not them I've chosen, or I can join their game. I panic and choose the silence. I choose a nice and awkward place to sit somewhere in the room where I won't touch anyone or something, but still close enough so that I can see the board. The other people too, then enter the room see the protocol that we have established and they too follow suit. So a very silent morning, until the lecturer comes in. He seems so nice! Well there are two of them Al and Willy! They are both so enthusiastic and love rocks! They even brought TIMBITS! They were delicious but did not lighten the mood! So they chattered about future geology BBQ's, field trips, and beer and chips (I'll have to tell them it's beer and bix). they also mentioned the forced bonding we will all undergo. I hope the others didn't see my face light up too much. Labs are run in groups, so there is lots of group bonding and problem solving and WORKING TOGETHER! Dam straight! I can't wait. The geology department also has free coffee and cookies at 3:00 everyday. So mid-way through our labs we all get to break for coffee and cookies! Oh, the joy that is geology! The lecturers assured us we would all know each other and everyone that's anyone in the faculty soon enough, especially if we get enough cookies and coffee into us!

But, the day took a turn for the worse after this lecture! I was peacefully enjoying my apple when wasps came and demanded it for themselves (or their queen, I don't know). I was trying to shoo them away and my apple flew out of my hand, and into their clutches! I was a little bit disheartened by this, so I went to investigate the Tim Horton's in the library basement, and yes it does exist! Then while chillin' in the library, I met one of the girls I had met at the exchange meeting! We hung out, then she invited me to lunch with her friend, so we had a merry time on the lawns. I had enough confidence to give the wasps a good shoo, and not loose my possessions. But, one downside to these friends - they are both from Australia. Both from the university of Melbourne! They didn't know each other before they were in Canada, but I guess now that they are half way across the world now is a great time to meet up! I hung with my fellow Australian's until my next class / clash!

I didn't think labs would start this week, so I thought I would get a chance to go to my first GIS lecture! WRONG! And since the promise of bonding and the threat of assessable, I went to the first half an hour of my GIS. Where I had to be a monster. I chose a seat right at the back of the room so I could make a quick get-a-way. Then the teacher said there would be two people to each desk. But I had to sit on the edge of mine, so I wouldn't be sandwiched in. As there were two desks next to each other, so four people in a row. Finally someone was desperate enough to ask me for a seat, I scowled, and said I'm leaving in a few so I had to move all my stuff let him in, and then two minutes later bolt out of the back of the classroom. The lab was a total waste of time! I wish he had said he was just going to lecture some more, and I would of stayed for GIS which I didn't know. We talked about electrons! I know chemistry, so I was very annoyed! Aaaa!

I walked home, and met Annabel who had, experienced equally unsociable lectures! The longest conversation she had today was with the shoe sales man. Ha ha. At least I had my Australians! I made mushroom pasta which I ate with joy in my heart. The kitchen is getting really social now, so it's really good. Annabel, Tim, Maria, Aurelian and I were all down there chatting, cooking and eating! This is so nice, and added to the joy in my heart already there from the mushrooms!

Over the past four days I have been writing these blog entries on word and in my spare time, so eventually they were pieced together, and I realized to catch up I would have to post them all at the same time. But don;t worry, I am not that sad that I churned out these three essays in one night! But enjoy or pace yourself!


  1. lol oh kate!
    Your blogs are so hilarious! ^_^
    But I'm glad you had a pretty good day!
    Those damn wasps though, eh? :P
    Ahhh, you must be loving your vegies the most!! :D ^_^
    Btw, what is GIS?

  2. woohooo kate im so happy you wrote these huge posts! im on a 5hour train to edinburgh and there is free internet! thank christ as i finished my book!
    it was so awkward getting to the train station though- we partied last night so no-one was awake to help me (bastards) and i had to drag all my 50kgs (i inherited half of sashas old wardrobe- amazing stuff! i love rich russians!) to the station and no passerbys asked to help me! i was staggering the entire way!!
    grr unsociable and friendly cities! i see the australians are where its at! its good though dont worry- they'll be the ones who want to travel and do cool stuff more rather than being happy to sit round in their homes/montreal.
    and you made kitchen buddies! kate i salute you and your people skills!
    ok to the next post, i promise not to write this much for every other message :)
