Monday, September 7, 2009


On Saturday night, as a bonding experience we went out to the Three Amigos. Annabel, Lucy, Tim, Phillip and I were glad to get out of the house as it had... no internet! The Three Amigos has a really good rep for good Mexican chow, and it was only a 5 minute walk from where we are! We had sangria (not beer - yay) and fajitas. We got these huge sizzling plates of veggies, dips, sauces, meat (I had prawns) and tortillas. Then it was a make-your-own style dinner. This was a lot of fun, but also very messy. I would not like to go there on a date! I have pictures of the glory that was, but I lost my camera (momentarily), and it is with my friend, so photos will have to wait till Wednesday - when I am meeting her. Tea was really nice, it was funny watching Phillip (the marathon running Swiss guy) eating the whipped cream off the top of his Mocktail! I bet he will have to work extra hard to work off the cream.
Lucy, Annabel and I watched the glory that is Footloose, and then we went down to Starbucks (which was surprisingly busy for midnight Saturday night). We got some hot chocolates so we could use the internet, as ours was down (and still is!) The hot chocolate was the best! The man serving asked, "do you want whipped cream?", "No" I replied.
"Whipped cream?" he asks again. "No thanks" I repeat.
"Whipped cream?", I give in, "Sure". But it was good!

Sunday was the day of the long awaited McGill International BBQ! So at about 12:00 Annabel and I wandered up the mountain to meet our prospective friends. Only a few people had made it at this time (as many, many people were lost and walking all over the mountain - a good subject of conversation). So at first I met more of my favourite Australians, but when more people arrived the Aus-fest was broken up and we could mingle. I met a really snobby Australian who wouldn't talk to me once she found out I was from Australia, but then wanted to e my friend once she heard that I was going white water kayaking! Sorry hoe, no kayaking for you.
The BBQ was a lot of fun, and so great to meet lots of people that were not from Australia. A good bonding point for me is being a vegetarian. I could bond with other vegetarians over the disaster that was the veggie patties. They were not even cooked until 2:30. We were quite hungry at this point, and then they were not cooked well! I am not too much of a complainer, so when I say not cooked well, it's not like they were raw or anything. the problem started with the lack of spatula. The delicate and fragile patties had to be flipped with tongs. Needless to say, this didn't end well for the patties. They broke, and in fits of rage the BBQer's threw them away, only to find they had only brought 10 patties for more than 10 vegetarians! So with the patties being an endangered food group, the resulting 3 surviving patties were divided amoungst the keenest. Oh, the shame. We did get some free cookies though.
I then went paddle-boating with a few of the people there. That was a lot of fun, but races were prohibited, so all we could do was dodgem into each other. At about 5 Annabel and I decided we would go to the party at 10:00 that night, and also decided that we would have a pre-drink party at our place!
The pre-drinks went well. We had every Danish student at McGill at our place, as well as three other Australian's, some New Zealanders, Brits, Swedes, a French guy and a crazy Asian with bandages on his hand who would refuse to tell anyone where he was really from (I don't know how he got to the party... someone must have known him!). It was really cool having a party at our place, as most of our roommates were there too, so when people arrived, it already looked like the party had started and that we were really popular. No awkward first arrivals for us! Lots of people admired our place too, which was reassuring! And everyone was really jealous that in the morning when we woke up, the mess left by everyone would be cleaned up by our own personal cleaner! The glory. Poor Phillip though, he just wanted to sleep, but he has the room right next to the kitchen where we all were, so he had to put up with us all until about 11:30 (he goes to bed at 9:00) when we left for the 2 minute walk to the club. We waited in line for ages, it must have been a pretty alright club. It would have been lame if we didn't have the pre-party at our place, as it is hard to meet people in a club (unless you want to get it on) as it is so noisy and busy and crazy. I partied the night away with the new-found friends and lost my camera...
Then the most glorious Aussie story arose. Mum, you will love this; OK, so the Aussie at the pre-drinks party was found outside our place by Will (the first Brit to move in, who then went away for a bit and now is back), Lucy and Annie. They somehow brought him up the stairs into our living room. Annabel and I came home at 2:30 to find them pondering over what to do with him. He was passed out on the couch at this point, and that is where he remained for the night, in true Aussie spirit. When I woke up and went into the kitchen, he was gone. But he had left Tim a note (Tim was his invitation to the pre-party): the note read something like; he has passed out at Tim Ho's, had his shoes stolen, wandered to our place, passed out again, was thankful that he had been allowed to sleep on the couch, and left his number in case Tim wanted to party with him again! Ha ha!


  1. AAAA! Can't wait to speak with you my love!!

  2. i love how they threw away the patties without even checking how many they had. you certaihnly come last in the food chain

  3. also that friend of yours in the market photos totally owns the summer scarf! i'm going to have to hit up that trend myself this summer i think

  4. also. i demand a new post! i need things to read and make me laugh!

  5. boo lost camera! kate my stalking potential has just dropped by half! find it woman!

    thats a nuts story- typical drunkan aussie- that snob girl would be mortified. the ho!

    mm looking at those photos was so good mmm berries... french bakery! im having awesome food at this field trip- hot breakfast every day! amazing dinner that never runs out of veg food! forget freshers 15- im gonna hit the freshers 50!
